2023 - Present
Memories are elusive, glimmering fragments of images, emotions, artifacts, and events that swirl in the heart and mind. They overlap, with certain details slipping away as quickly as they surface. Photographs anchor these fleeting moments, capturing a fraction of a second through the click of a shutter. Yet, as time passes, our perception of these images shifts. Each snapshot can transform into a positive or negative representation, influenced by the viewer’s life experiences and personal history.
The individual’s identity has been lost to time. I salvaged these images. I do not know the story behind any of these people, places, or times. The holes I drilled from the rhythm of a threadless sewing needle represent the personal histories that once were known and now have slipped away. Through the hand embordering through the holes it is an attempt to hold onto what has been lost. The individuals are obscured and revealed at the same time. The viewer is invited to imagine a narrative to each image.
Lineage 01, Embroidered photograph, 5 x 5 in, 2023
Lineage 02, Embroidered photograph, 5 x 5 in, 2023
Lineage 01, Embroidered photograph, 5 x 5 in, 2023
Lineage 04, Embroidered photograph, 5 x 5 in, 2023
Lineage 05, Embroidered photograph, 5 x 5 in, 2023
Lineage 06, Embroidered photograph, 5 x 5 in, 2023
Lineage 07, Embroidered photograph, 5 x 5 in, 2023
Lineage 08, Embroidered photograph, 5 x 5 in, 2023
Lineage 09, Embroidered photograph, 5 x 5 in, 2023
Lineage 10, Embroidered photograph, 5 x 5 in, 2023